Cleanliness Makes Your Business Professional

Everyone loves to visit a clean building. I’ve never heard someone talk about a clean business (who isn’t a janitor), but I do hear people talk about how they hate eating or shopping at dirty businesses. Which seems to be a fair bias. There have been many times when...

Attack The Fear In Your Life

Fear is a beast. Everyone feels fear at a certain point in their life. Fear destroys you, keeps you from your goals, and tries to keep you down. I felt fear going to Baylor, leaving Baylor, and now running my business. I’m sure you struggle with it too. Fighting it...

How We Clean Windows in Aberdeen, South Dakota

While there are many different ways to clean windows, we use two primary systems here in Aberdeen. We either use a water-fed pole, or we use a squeegee. They are vastly different systems, but one is far more efficient than the other. You will be informed on each...

5 Reasons To Clean Your Windows This Winter

Windows are the centerpiece of your home! There is a reason gorgeous homes are covered in glass. Everyone wants to be able to see outside and allow natural light into their home; but you can also find beauty in windows. They are the centerpiece of many homes! They...